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About the SRC-DBVI

What the SRC is and What it Does

The State Rehabilitation Council for the Division of Blind and Visually Impaired (SRC-DBVI) is a diverse group of people concerned with the quality of vocational rehabilitation services provided to blind Maine citizens. Federally authorized by the Rehabilitation Act, the SRC consists of members appointed by the governor. Council seats are prescribed with the goal of ensuring a broad representation of individuals, agencies, and organizations with interests in the vocational and independent living success of blind people in Maine. The SRC’s core functions are to review, analyze, and advise on the policies and practices of DBVI and other related entities that are involved with the employment of people who are blind or who have vision impairments.

Working in close partnership with DBVI, the SRC is dedicated to ensuring that Maine’s blind citizens are well prepared for succeeding in meaningful work that pays a livable wage and have the essential skills to live independently.

SRC tasks include:

  • Working with DBVI in developing the goals of Maine’s State VR plan and evaluating the success in meeting those goals.
  • Working with DBVI in conducting statewide assessments of the vocational related needs of Maine’s blind citizens.
  • Monitoring levels of satisfaction and success of DBVI clients.
  • Conducting public hearings and forums to solicit the needs and thoughts of Maine’s blind citizens regarding employment, vocational preparation, independent living, and VR services.
  • Creating an annual report regarding SRC related accomplishments, goals, and issues.
  • Working to help maintain and improve programs and services that prepare school-aged youth for successful employment and life after graduation.