Essential Duties of Council Members
- Participate fully and actively in SRC meetings and efforts.
- Work actively and reliably on at least one SRC committee or work team.
- Engage fully in the development of the state plan and other SRC tasks.
- Contribute to promoting public hearings, forums, conferences, and other SRC-related events.
- Contribute to the continuous search for and development of new SRC members.
- A belief in the inherent abilities of people who have vision loss.
- A belief that with appropriate, quality training and sufficient, equal opportunities people with vision loss can perform jobs as well as anyone else and live as self-sufficiently as others.
- A strong sense of commitment and responsibility to contribute.
- A strong sense of honesty, integrity, and respect for the values of others.
- A strong personal code of ethics and self-discipline that includes maintaining confidentiality, avoiding conflict of interest, and refraining from using the SRC for self promotion and personal gain.