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Links and Resources

Helpful resources about Maine’s Vocational Rehabilitation program:


Client Assistance Program

The Client Assistance Program (CAP) is a federally funded program that provides information, assistance and advocacy to people with disabilities who are applying for or receiving services under the Rehabilitation Act. Programs under this Act include Vocational Rehabilitation, Independent Living Services and Projects with Industry. In Maine, the CAP is administered by Disability Rights of Maine. There are no fees for CAP services.

Contact the CAP is you need information or assistance:

CAP – Disability Rights of Maine
160 Capitol Street, Suite 4
Augusta, ME 04330
800-452-1948 (V/TTY)
207-626-2774 (V/TTY)
207-621-1419 (FAX)


The following are links to other useful resources:


For Employers and Labor Unions: