Applying For a Seat on the State Rehabilitation Council (SRC) Division for the Blind & Visually Impaired (DBVI)
Application Process
The Maine SRC has 23 seats that are carefully prescribed in order to help represent a wide spectrum of individuals, organizations, and government services concerned with Maine’s blindness services. A particular emphasis and value is placed on having a majority of members who have personal experience with living independently and living well with blindness and low vision. New members are chosen to fill specific required representative seats that may be vacant and the membership committee will help determine which of these seats would be a good fit for you.
At the beginning of the application process the membership chair or one of the new member mentors will meet with you to discuss the SRC and to offer assistance to you throughout the process. You will also be invited to attend at least one of the bimonthly SRC meetings as an integral part of the application process.
Your application will be submitted to the governor’s office after you have attended an SRC meeting and have met with the membership chair or a new member mentor. The governor of Maine approves applications and appoints individuals to a seat on the SRC. An SRC term is three years and an individual is limited to two terms.
In addition to engaging in the work of the general council, all council members also serve on at least one committee or work group during their tenure and are expected to join fully in contributing to the ongoing work at hand. There are six SRC meetings each year that are generally held on the third Wednesday of even-numbered months from 12:00 to 3:00 pm (with the exception of April 19, 2017, which will be 10 to noon). There is a two-day annual fall conference in lieu of a regular meeting. The meetings are typically held in Augusta and travel expenses incurred for attending meetings, as well as other SRC events are reimbursable.
You may use the links below to view/download the application form and other application details. For further information or discussion please contact:
TBA Membership Committee Chair
Cheryl Peabody SRC Chair
Application Materials
You will need to download, complete and return these three forms:
- Authorized Release of Personal Information – MS-Word format.
- Tax Clearance for Governor Appointive Position – MS-Word format.
- Application for Gubernatorial Appointment – MS-Word format.