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New Member Resources

Getting Up To Speed: New member orientation procedures and materials

Welcome to a Seat on Maine’s State Rehabilitation Council (SRC) Division for the Blind & Visually Impaired (DBVI)

Congratulations on your appointment! You are joining a coalition of energetic and creative people engaged in important, meaningful work. As with any new position there can be much to learn at first. To help facilitate the climb up and over this new learning curve you will be teamed with a mentor who will keep in contact with you to help guide you through the transition as a new member as comfortably and quickly as possible. Don’t hesitate to call on your mentor, or any SRC member, with questions – discussion is one of the best ways to learn.

Return to this website frequently and review the basics (add link to mission/vision statement). Also, here are several things to do first as a new member:

  1. Connect with your mentor.
  2. Study SRC basic tasks and duties. You can find many of them here (Job description, Title I, Section 105, expectations, provide links to this info on-site and other web sites). Discuss your questions and thoughts with your mentor and other SRC members.
  3. Take online SRC introductory courses, available eRehab.
  4. Choose at least one work group or committee. Connect with your new member mentor or the chair person to discuss which groups and projects might be a good fit for your interests and experience.
  5. Familiarize yourself with current SRC projects, concerns, issues. Talk with your mentor and other SRC members to learn details about these things.

Throughout your tenure and in your regular interactions, be vigilant for opportunities to:

  • Inform and educate others about DBVI and the SRC.
  • Encourage others to become involved – as SRC members, work group members, as citizen advocates, and especially as someone who may have a vision impairment.
  • Encourage people to attend public hearings and other SRC related events.
  • Use your personal and professional resources and affiliations to advertise and promote SRC forums and other events.
  • Encourage individuals and organizations to contact public officials to express their concerns and desires regarding SRC-DBVI related issues.
  • Encourage people to contact the SRC with their vocational, rehabilitation, and independent living related thoughts and concerns.

Remember that SRC members are always available and eager to help and support one another, especially new members. So get involved right away – dig in, start proactively participating – it’s the best way to learn and there’s a lot to do!